Anna Gibson-Steel’s 60 Second Panic Solution Review – Does it WORK?

What’s Anxiety:

Imagine overthinking minor interactions into oblivion and jumping to the worst conclusions every time to the point of being physically sick.
Remember when you were a kid and your mom left you in line at the store and you panicked like there was no tomorrow? Imagine that every time you go shopping, out to eat, etc, I’m sure that If you’re reading this page, You already know what it feels like.

The 60 Second Panic Solution Review 

The 60 Second Panic Solution review will be broken into two parts:

1. A small part that will introduce the basics of the 60 Second Panic Solution system.

2. A larger part that will present our readers with full details and help them understand the main points of the system.

Basic Information

Program’s Name: The 60 Second Panic Solution

Release Date: 2015

Learning Format: guides, videos, and audio files

Refund Policy: Complete refund policy for sixty days

Author: Anna Gibson-Steel and Dan Alexander

Official Website: Click here

The Key Details

The easiest way to describe the program in our 60 Second Panic Solution Review , “Panic Solution” is an unusual natural treatment for anxiety and panic attacks that is created by Dan Alexander and Anna Gibson-Steel, It will mainly show you how to use your mind-body Relationship in order to prevent panic attacks from exceeding the time frame of 1 minute.

Anna Gibson is someone who used to suffer from anxiety and panic attacks too, She explains that she worked together with Dan, a well-known certified holistic therapist from Ireland, in order to extend her unique solution to others who suffer from panic attacks. The 60 Second Panic Solution program is the final result of their collaboration.

From what Dan Alexander stated in an Interview, The sufferers from severe panic attacks, Have them because their instinct that is described as flight-or-flight response gets confused and shaky. If left untreated, Dan says it could lead to forms of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.

Adding to that, Dan explains that the flight response which goes haywire and shaky can never be treated using medication, mind conversations or Psychoanalysis. The strangest thing, He says that one of the effects of anti-anxiety medications is the opposite thing which keeps you stuck without any positive results.

Dan elaborates in his book saying that anti-anxiety medications are not for the long term relief, It is only used to hide the symptoms without addressing the root cause. To correctly beat anxiety, the 60 Second Panic Solution presents you with easy yet powerful techniques that can be learned within 20 minutes and only take you 1 minute to start practicing what you learned.

In addition to the 60-second techniques that you will be learning, Dan also developed a complete plan that was created to help you treat anxiety and panic attacks permanently.It was named Thought Patrol and it’s a 3-week plan, Inside the 60 Second Panic Solution program you will also find tips on how to take advantage of the plan for maximum results and permanent results.

The 60 Second Panic Solution has proven it’s effectiveness for children and adults, It doesn’t only work for people with anxiety and panic disorders and recently was also proven effective for people suffering from (OCD) obsessive-compulsive disorder and specific phobias.

When purchasing the 60 Second Panic Solution program you will get a lifetime access to the members portal where it includes the following parts:

– Start Here
–  Panic Attacks
–  Anxiety

– Solutions
– Permanent Freedom
– Secrets
– Bonus Section

These parts come in PDF, video and audio files…

2.  Pros And Cons

The Main Pros

The concept is easy to grasp

The makers of the system have mixed science with traditional principles giving birth to the core principal of this program which is the neuro-Activation therapy. Dan Alexander explains how he made use of his research of cognition and neurophysiology to create an easy to understand method for everyone suffering out there.

We tried the method and managed to learn the main technique in about 21 min so thumbs up there for their honesty.

Quick Relief And A permanent Solution

The method can work in less than 60 sec to stop the panic from overwhelming you.more importantly, by ordering the 60 Second Panic Solution system you are also going to learn what you should do in order to overcome anxiety.

No Side Effects

The program is 100% natural and it does not include any medication.

According to the Citizens Commission on Human Rights many countries, including the United states, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and New Zealand, Have issued warnings about the medications that are related to anxiety treatments and their negative effects on an individual health. Negative effects like addiction depression and insomnia.

Less Expensive Than any treatment ou there

7 days in a Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders can cost you $4,000 or more. Add to that all the medication bills.

That’s why we believe the program is well worth ordering because of the cost effectiveness ratio.

Refund policy

This makes the 60 Second Panic Solution system a risk-free choice since it comes with an 8 weeks refund guarantee.

Anna Gibson-Steel has helped over 4,000 people treat their panic attacks away in her private clinic, and she is determined to give the same exact results when you go through her program at home.

Discover The Truth Behind 60 Second Panic Solution review And Get It By Clicking Here

The Main Cons

It requires work and constant effort

The program is not a miracle cure, It takes several days and even weeks of dedication, practice and constant to reach the inner peace you always dreamed of.

Only Available In Digital Format

The Book has no hard-copy and is only available as a digital product(Pdf,Audio, and Videos), This might be a negative thing for some that’s why we are addressing it.

3. Our Verdict

Final Scores
Amount of Content – 9.4/10

Quality Of Content – 9.1/10

User Friendliness – 8/10

Bonus items – 8/10

Customer Support – 9.4/10

Overall Value For Money – 9.1/10

60 Second Panic Solution Review Conclusion:

Overall, The 60 Second Panic Solution is a very easy program that offers a different and easy to follow solution for anxiety, This program by Dan Alexander convinced us to give it one of the best ratings we ever rated a product.

While this program cannot guarantee an “overnight fix” and it may not produce the same results for everyone, there is no doubt that by following Anna Gibson-Steel’s instructions you will be able to improve your chances to stop or prevent panic attacks and anxiety dramatically…

The author of the program explains why everything else has failed to help and cure sufferer while his system was instantly a hit and received many positive testimonials,  It’s because anxiety is chronic. It never stops. It takes breaks, sure. But it always comes back. Sometimes you think you can get a handle on it. Other times you’re drowning in it. Because it requires constant work, constant effort. And sometimes you don’t feel like working. Everyone needs a break sometimes. Because sometimes one approach will work, and other times it won’t. Because new fears pop up, and the old ones don’t necessarily fade. Because not everybody understands anxiety, so you don’t always know what or how much to hide from people.

There are so many questions and so few answers. Sometimes it is an all-consuming illness. It is so easy to feel ashamed of it, to minimize the pain.
Because of all these reasons and a million more, anxiety is hard to have, and even harder to try to conquer. But we try. For ourselves, for our family and friends,  and for others that have or will have anxiety. Because everybody deserves to feel safe, both mentally and physically. And sometimes all it takes is to know that you’re not suffering alone.

The System provides A full refund for 8 weeks which make it a risk-free choice.


  1. Thank you for this review, I bought the program after reading it and it was the best decision ever. My anxiety is much slow and weak now. I will recommend this to anyone with severe anxiety.

  2. I feel like i’m hardwired to be anxious, i was an anxious child growing up in an anxious household and i was medicated for depression and anxiety starting when i was about 16 years old. My biggest regret is taking any medications at all. i firmly believe that because i was so young, they messed with my brain chemistry in ways that can’t be reversed. I have been on every ssri and in the end, I’m more anxious now than I was before, I wish I had used guides like these to help overcome it instead of medications. My friend uses this system and she’s like a new person!

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